Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Very little is known about this civilization, called the ancient ones, except for clues left behind.  Little is known about this blend, except it was created through inspiration, high in sesquiterpenes which aid oxygenation of cells and cellular communication. Helps protect cells from toxins, chemicals, stress, and other harmful influences. Often I feel a craving for its subtle, yet powerful effect. Use for diffusing or dilute for anointing ~~especially the Ether Toe. Or use as a perfume on a diffuser pendant.

Contains: marjoram, sandalwood, pepper, frankincense, helichrysum, cedar, Niaouli, Patchouli, Spikenard, black spruce, lemon myrtle, ylang-ylang, juniper, spearmint

10 ml=$18, $35

Quote:  “The Anasazi…was never a People.  It was a rhythm, a form of motion stirred up from the land.  People merely fell into step.”   Craig Childs in House of Rain
Stones:   Pietersite and Amber

(Originally created 2002)

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