Friday, January 25, 2013

High Rain

Created especially for head and neck imbalances and pain.  The name rhymes with Migraine. Has a myriad of physical benefits including: Muscle spasms, Insect bites, muscular aches, bronchitis, colds, coughs. It is anti-spasmodic, restorative (for nerves and adrenal cortex)and contains oils extremely high in antimicrobial activity.   Has a myriad of emotional benefits including help with: Mental fatigue. Great for diffusing.  Dilute well before massage.  Use on feet and toes, back or wrists.

Contains: Basil, Peppermint, Marjoram, Lavender, Roman chamomile, Wild Orange, Lemon, Rosemary, Helichrysum, Rose

10 ml=$12, $22

(Originally created Jan. 10, 2013)

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